(Subject to change)


1.            Format                                                                                                                                                                                                  

1.1          The Avondale Amateur (“the Championship”) shall be decided over 72 holes stroke play. Men will compete for The Avondale Medal and                       women will compete for The Avondale Bowl. There will be 18 holes on Tuesday 17th and Wednesday 18th January, followed by a cut to the                 top half of the men’s field plus ties and the top half of the women’s field plus ties, with a seeded draw for the remaining 36 holes (18 holes                   on Thursday 19th  and 18 holes on Friday 20th January).

1.2          For the first two rounds, playing groups will include a mixture of men and women.

1.3          In the event of a tie for either The Avondale Medal or Avondale Bowl, and conditions permitting, a playoff will be conducted as prescribed by                the Championship Committee, with the lowest score being determined the winner. If a playoff is not possible, joint winners will be declared.                 All other ties shall be determined using the Golf Australia count back system.

2.            Championship Committee                                                                                                                                                               

2.1          The Championship Committee shall consist of the Tournament Director, all members of the Avondale Match Committee, and invited                             representatives of Golf NSW.

2.2          In the absence of the full Championship Committee, such members as may be present at the time may give a decision and any decision so                 given shall be the decision of the full Championship Committee.

2.3          The Championship Committee shall have the sole management and control of the Championship with full power at any time to alter or vary                 any of the Terms of Competition.

2.4          The Championship Committee's decision on matters regarding the Championship shall be final.  Protests may be made in writing and                           submitted to the Championship Committee within 15 minutes of the conclusion of the day's play.

3.            Rules of Play                                                                                                                                                                                        

3.1         The Rules of Golf, as adopted by R&A Rules Ltd shall apply together with Local Rules as drawn up by the Championship Committee.

3.2         Players may only rely on rulings provided by the Championship Committee or an appointed tournament referee.

4.            Entries, Code of Conduct, Use of Images                                                                                                                                      

4.1          Entries must be made on the official online entry form by 5.00 PM on Saturday, 31 December 2022 (the closing date).

4.2          The entrance fee is AUD $260 (includes GST).

4.3          Eligible players for The Avondale Medal are male amateurs whose handicap does not exceed 1.0 strokes (GA handicap or WHS                                   equivalent). Eligible players for The Avondale Bowl are female amateurs whose handicap does not exceed 3.0 strokes (GA handicap or                      WHS equivalent).

4.4          In the event of the number of applicants exceeding the places available in the Championship, those applicants with the highest handicaps                   at the closing date will be progressively removed from the Championship. In the event of applicants with the same handicap being liable for                removal, the Championship Committee will conduct a ballot amongst them to determine who will be removed. Applicants who are not                          included in the field will be placed on an “alternates” list in the order of closing date handicap. Such applicants may elect to be removed                        from the alternate list.

4.5          Entry fees will be processed on acceptance of a player into the field.  Entry fees will only be refunded in the event a player suffers a medical condition that prevents them from playing in the Championship (a medical certificate must accompany a request for withdrawal on medical grounds). A full refund will be made to players if the event is cancelled due to Covid-19 restrictions, or if they cannot attend due to government imposed restrictions on travel. Any refunds related to player withdrawal will incur a $10 processing fee.

4.6          Late entries may be accepted at the discretion of the Championship Committee.

4.7          Entries will not be accepted by telephone.

4.8          Unless the applicant has provided their Golf Link number, entries must be accompanied by a copy of the applicant’s handicap record for the previous six months, officially endorsed by the applicant’s home club or national association.

4.9          The Championship Committee may decline at its discretion the application of any applicant who otherwise meets the above criteria.

4.10        All entrants are bound by GA’s Code of conduct (“the Code”). A copy of the Code is available by clicking here. Any breach of the Code may be recorded on the Central Register of the Code (“the Register”). The Register may be accessed (and published from time to time) by any State Association or GA for the purposes of administering Competitions or state championships, events, competitions, practice sessions or major activities conducted or sanctioned by a State Association, or any State Association or GA codes of conduct and/or other related matters.

4.11        All entrants are bound to comply with all of GA’s legal policies. These policies relate to the golfer’s behaviour and the behaviour of their associates during the tournament. Any breach of these policies may result in the competitor being withdrawn from the competition and subject to investigation and disciplinary proceedings. It is the duty of the competitors and their associates to familiarise themselves with the relevant policies and ensure they comply. Click here to view GA’s Legal Policies.

4.12        By entering the Championship, applicants provide full authority for images of them at, and playing at, the Championship to be used in any social or print media created and posted by Avondale Golf Club, including the Avondale website, or by other entities that Avondale provides access to cover the Championship, or considers it appropriate to provide such images to for the promotion or reporting of the Championship.

5.             Exemptions                                                                                                                                                                                          

5.1          The starting field will be limited to 168 players. The size of the field for the two events will be determined by the application of the exemptions listed below, and the handicaps of entrants. The minimum number of players in the field for the Avondale Bowl will be 48, providing all of those players are within the maximum handicap limit. Exemptions into the starting field will be provided in order of priority to the following categories:


A- Current Golf Australia High Performance Tier Two, Tier Three and Tier Four Players

B- Players nominated as Australian State Team members- maximum of one Men’s Team of two members and one Women’s team of one member per State or Territory. Such players must be within the handicaps stipulated at 4.3 above

C- Players nominated by a national golf association. Such players must be within the handicaps stipulated at 4.3 above

D- The current male and female club champions of Avondale Golf Club

E- The current male and female club champions of Avondale’s reciprocal clubs.  Such players must be within the handicaps stipulated at 4.3 above
F- Leading 200 players from the men’s and women’s World Amateur Golf Ranking System (R&A) as at 31 December 2021.

G- Top 30 ranked women and top 40 ranked men in the Golf Australia Order of Merit as at 31 December 2021.

H- Players exempted by the Championship Committee (maximum of three in each event)

In the event that entries from the above categories exceed the maximum field size of 168, the ranking order or a handicap ballot will be applied to the category which takes the total beyond the limit.

6.            Registration                                                                                                                                                                                         

Players must register 30 minutes prior to their allotted tee time for each round at the designated registration area outside the Pro Shop or in inclement weather, inside the Clubhouse.

7.            Drug Testing                                                                                                                                                                                        

The GA anti-doping policy applies for this event. The GA anti-doping policy is the Australian National Anti-Doping Policy, effective from 1 January 2021, and can be found by clicking here.

8.             Pace of Play                                                                                                                                                                                         

Rule 5-6 will be strictly enforced and a Pace of Play policy applied.  Penalties will be issued to individuals in such groups, who infringe on the endorsed Pace of Play guidelines (available at the event). Warnings may not be issued prior to penalties.

9.             Golf Balls                                                                                                                                                                                              

It is obligatory for all players in the Championship to play with a ball that is listed in the current R & A and/or USGA Conforming Golf Balls. Penalty: Disqualification

10.          Motorised Transport                                                                                                                                                                         

Players must not ride on any form of transportation during a stipulated round unless authorised by the Committee or a referee. A player who will play, or has played, under penalty of stroke and distance is always authorised to ride on motorised transportation to re-join their group, whether in the company of a referee or otherwise.
Penalty for breach:  two strokes per breach - maximum of four strokes per round. Caddies may use transportation provided:
(i)            The player does not accept a ride at any time during the stipulated round.
(ii)           The player does not accept advice from any other person travelling with the caddie.

11.          By-Laws, Rules and Dress Regulations, Safety Directives, Player Identification                                                                  

Players and caddies shall comply with the by-laws, rules and dress regulations of the Avondale Golf Club. 

Players and or Caddies not dressed appropriately will not be allowed access to the course.

Dress regulations available at www.avondalegolfclub.com.au

For their own safety, players and caddies must follow the directions provided when making their way from the clubhouse            to the 10th tee to commence a round, or returning to the clubhouse from the 9th green.

Players are required to display their player identification badge on their golf bag in a readily visible position at all times.

12.          Player Live Scoring – Use of Mobile Phones                                                                                                                

The Championship uses a live scoring phone-based app (Golf Genius) for recording and confirmation of scores. Players are requested to enter scores after the completion of every 3 holes, or more frequently if desired. Certification of scores will take place electronically at the scorer’s desk on completion of the round. Phones should be kept on silent when entering scores. Paper based scorecards will not be provided.

Apart from the use of mobile phones for recording scores, the use of a mobile phone by a player or their caddie, whilst on the golf course during the event is distracting and inconsiderate. A mobile phone may otherwise only be used to contact an official to request assistance with a ruling, or as a Distance Measuring Device (in silent mode).

If the player or their caddie is in the possession of a mobile phone it should be on silent. If the phone rings this is deemed to be in use and a breach of the Code of Conduct that applies and the Committee may take disciplinary action against the offending player in accordance with Rule 1.2 “Standards of Player Conduct”.

13.          Distance Measuring Devices                                                                                                                                                            

A player may use equipment in accordance with Rule 4.3a.

14.          Consumption of Alcohol                                                                                                                                                                   

The consumption of alcohol by players and caddies on the course during a round is strictly prohibited.  Penalty: Disqualification

15.          Suspension of Play                                                                                                                                                                             

When play is suspended by the Committee for a dangerous situation, if the players in a group are between the play of two holes, they must not resume play until the Committee has ordered a resumption of play. If they are in the process of playing a hole, they must discontinue play immediately and not resume play until the Committee has ordered a resumption of play. If a player fails to discontinue play immediately, they are disqualified, unless circumstances warrant waiving the penalty as provided in Rule 5.7b.

The following signals shall apply:

                                i) Discontinue play immediately – one prolonged air horn/ siren note

                                ii Discontinue play – three consecutive air horn/ siren notes, repeated

                                iii) Resume play – two short air horn/ siren notes, repeated

16.          Practice                                                                                                                                                                                                 

One practice round prior to the Championship will be made available to applicants accepted into the starting field at times suitable to Avondale GC. Players must arrange practice round times via the unique web-link that will be sent to all players once the field is confirmed.

The practice facilities at Avondale Golf Club are for warm-up and cool-down purposes only (i.e., not for competitors to remain at the course all day using the facilities). 

17.          Prizes                                                                                                                                                                                                    

Prizes will be awarded for the best five (5) 72 hole gross scores in the Avondale Medal and the best three (3) 72 hole gross scores in the Avondale Bowl. If ties apply for places other than where a playoff is provided, the prize values for the tied places will be shared equally between the tied players. Additional prizes may be provided if the relative field sizes warrant.

18.          Compliance with Covid- 19 Safety Plan                                                                                                                                         

A comprehensive plan for the safety of players, officials, staff, volunteers and spectators will be in place for the event. A copy of the plan will be provided to players in their registration pack and must be complied with at all times.

Failure to comply with the plan will result in a warning being issued. Serious breaches of the plan may result in the player being required to leave the premises and not permitted to return and will constitute a withdrawal from the Championship.


Players and caddies are advised that Avondale Golf Club will be monitoring Government policy and community practices regarding Covid -19 vaccination and testing protocols. The tournament website will be updated for any conditions that are applied. Players will be advised by email and text message of the need to review any relevant updates. Players will be responsible for compliance by caddies.

19.          Electronic Payment Only                                                                                                                                                                  

Electronic payments will be the only form of payment accepted. Avondale will not be accepting any cash transactions in the Clubhouse, Bar, or Proshop.